Stand: SoSe 2025
Name | Project Study: Digital Technologies | |
Katalog-Nummer | FK 10#PPM#DB.3 | |
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum |
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 5.4.3 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 6.4.3 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Modulverantwortung |
Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
Lehrende |
Günzel, Holger (Prof)
Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
Thimmel, Markus (Prof. Dr. )
Prüfung(en) |
Prüfungsform: ModA
Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
, Günzel, Holger (Prof)
Lehr- und Lernform(en) |
| 4 SWS | SU - 1 Angebot(e)
Arbeitsaufwand |
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele |
Learning Objectives / Competencies: After finishing the module, students are enabled to understand and apply the fundamentals of digital technologies and the corresponding architectures as well as the business models of digital companies. The students learn to develop and implement innovations based on digital technology as a prototype and create related innovative business models. The aim of this lecture is to provide the necessary methodologies and competences for a new kind of business development. Moreover, the students work in small groups to develop solution proposals to assigned topics in the context of the course and to present obtained results orally and in writing. Content: The students