Stand: SoSe 2025
Name | Digital Business Models | |
Katalog-Nummer | FK 10#PPM#DB.2 | |
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum |
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 5.4.2 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 6.4.2 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Modulverantwortung |
Slamka, Jessica (Prof. Dr.)
Lehrende |
Schweinar, Robert (LB)
Schillmann, Christian (LB)
Prüfung(en) |
Prüfungsform: ModA
Slamka, Jessica (Prof. Dr.)
, Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en) |
| 4 SWS | SU - 1 Angebot(e)
Arbeitsaufwand |
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele |
Intended Learning Outcomes (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude): While digital technologies are major factors in the transformation of companies and industries, digital transformation is never achieved by digital technologies alone. To achieve such transformation, business models are needed that can link new digital technologies to emerging market needs. In this course, students will develop a profound understanding of digital business models. They will be introduced to the unique components of digital business models as well as to frameworks and methods based on which digital business models are created, evaluated and implemented. Case examples of digital business model generation in different industries will be discussed in small groups, enabling students to apply the obtained methodological knowledge and to evaluate digital business model effectiveness. Obtained results will be presented orally and in writing. Contents:
Name | Digital Business Models | |
Katalog-Nummer | FK 10#PPM#DB.2 | |
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum |
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 5.4.2 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 6.4.2 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Modulverantwortung |
Slamka, Jessica (Prof. Dr.)
Lehrende |
Schweinar, Robert (LB)
Schillmann, Christian (LB)
Prüfung(en) |
Prüfungsform: ModA
Slamka, Jessica (Prof. Dr.)
, Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en) |
| 4 SWS | SU - 1 Angebot(e)
Arbeitsaufwand |
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele |
Intended Learning Outcomes (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude): While digital technologies are major factors in the transformation of companies and industries, digital transformation is never achieved by digital technologies alone. To achieve such transformation, business models are needed that can link new digital technologies to emerging market needs. In this course, students will develop a profound understanding of digital business models. They will be introduced to the unique components of digital business models as well as to frameworks and methods based on which digital business models are created, evaluated and implemented. Case examples of digital business model generation in different industries will be discussed in small groups, enabling students to apply the obtained methodological knowledge and to evaluate digital business model effectiveness. Obtained results will be presented orally and in writing. Contents: