Hochschule München

HM Business School (FK 10)


Stand: SoSe 2025

Name Interkulturelles Management & Verhandlung im Supply Management
Katalog-Nummer FK 10#IC#M6.8
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum
Master Betriebswirtschaft | M6.8 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Horn, Sierk (Prof. Dr.)
Brunnhuber, Nicole (Prof. Dr.)
Horn, Sierk (Prof. Dr.)
Prüfungsform: ModA
Detailangaben: Essay (3.000 words) excluding references.
Hildsmittel: None
Prüfende: Horn, Sierk (Prof. Dr.) , Brunnhuber, Nicole (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en)
| 4 SWS | SU - 1 Angebot(e)
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele

Learning outcomes / skills:

This module is intended to develop students’ cross-cultural effectiveness in the contexts of business and diversity in the workplace with a focus on leadership, communication and negotiation to foster cross-cultural synergies for competitive advantage along the supply chain. Throughout this module, students are actively encouraged to develop their own reasoning and problem-solving skills to address contemporary and future supply chain challenges and responsibilities with informed analysis and innovation. After successful completion of this course, students will have a critical understanding of established theories of cross-cultural management and negotiation and be able to evaluate and apply different approaches in real business practice.


Professional competences

After successful completion of this module, students will have:

·     in-depth understanding of the impact of culture, particularly as regards business leadership, partnerships and negotiation

·     critical understanding of leading models in cross-cultural management and negotiation

·     the skills to prepare for and foster cross-cultural business relationships

·     insight into how to work with, build and manage cross-cultural teams and business partnerships

·     the skills to identify, avoid and resolve potential sources of culturally-based misunderstanding and/or conflict in business situations, particularly in securing agreement, delivery and quality processes

·     the tools to prepare and execute value added business negotiations in a cross-cultural context in English

·     the knowledge to share and lead on cross-cultural interaction within organisations


Technical competences

After successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

·     evaluate and continually develop their own cross-cultural and communication skills for effective negotiation

·     anticipate and address the cultural impact on business behaviours, processes and values

·     evaluate, compare and present cross-cultural business models and approaches in English in academic and professional contexts

·     independently research and further develop their knowledge of current trends in cross-cultural management for application in individual business situations


Personal competences

After successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

·     reflect on and contribute to international and cross-cultural dialogue and co-operation in and beyond the business world

·     evaluate and develop their own negotiation and communication skills specifically

·     understand, analyse and respond effectively to different negotiation and communication styles


Social competences

After successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

·     interact appropriately and effectively in culturally diverse environments

·     communicate appropriately in international academic and business settings

·     identify and implement strategies to develop synergies and co-operation

·     share their knowledge and experience to foster effective cross-cultural interaction 



·     Globalization and regionalization in business

·     Culture: definitions and impact on business with a focus on decision-making, negotiation and relationship management

·     Cross-cultural management and leadership: theory, research and practice

·     Cross-cultural business communication and negotiation

·     Negotiation theory, strategy and tactics

·     Conflict avoidance, resolution and synergies


Methods of Teaching and Learning:

  • Interactive seminar
  • Written and research assignments
  • Group projects and presentations
  • Independent study and research  
  • Constructive discussion and peer review



Reading and resources will be provided at the beginning of the course.