Hochschule München

HM Business School (FK 10)


Stand: WiSe 2023

Name Soft Skills for Leadership Competencies
Katalog-Nummer FK 10#SPK#4.2.13
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum
Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft | 4.2 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Kern, Tamara
Kern, Tamara
Prüfungsform: ModA
Prüfende: Kern, Tamara , Bohnert, Alexander (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en)
| 4 SWS | S - 1 Angebot(e)
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele

Targets/ Competencies:
Leading others starts with leading yourself. The key to a successful leadership lies within oneself; how can we lead others if we are not able to lead ourselves? Leading oneself starts with awareness and self-reflection, being aware of your own skillset and having the ability to reflect on yourself is the key to success, mastering these enables you to lead with confidence from within.

After the completion of this class, participants will have an overview of the many varieties of social competences that are essential in leadership. Besides traditional management tools the class is focusing on the nature of leadership – well known theories of scientists like Peter F. Drucker and Fredmund Malik are being analyzed to better understand their management approaches and how to put them into practice.


·        Basics

o   Self-management

o   Self-awareness / Personality tests

o   Leadership

§  Management vs. Leadership

§  Positive Leadership

§  Motivation

·        Theories

o   Drucker, Maslow, Malik, Cameron, McGregor, Herzberg

·        Practical approach

o   Case Studies


Learning methods:

·        Seminar

·        Teamwork

·        Role plays to reflect on personal ownership, discipline, motivation, endurance, authority and independence

·        Presentations, discussions and evaluations

·        Case studies

·        Personality tests



Will be published during the class