Hochschule München

HM Business School (FK 10)


Stand: WiSe 2023

Name Digital Commerce & Technology Marketing
Katalog-Nummer FK 10#MKT#M4.5
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum
Master Betriebswirtschaft | M4.5 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Gutknecht, Klaus (Prof. Dr.)
Anderl, Eva (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en)
| 4 SWS | S - wird nicht angeboten
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele

Intended Learning Outcomes (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude) and competencies

The students will be enabled to apply several methods in the field of digital commerce, especially for markets which are challenged by digital transformation. On the basis of the analysis of markets, consumers, products and services they are able to apply innovative marketing strategies. The students learn to analyze customer requirements systematically and to specify customer oriented shops, products, applications or frontends. 

They regard marketing and technology to serve humanity, thereby they consider sustainability as an imperative (marketing 5.0).


The students learn to apply (agile) project management to solve a challenging digital marketing problem. The students get an integrated understanding of marketing and technology. They develop an offering or business model stepwise, meeting milestones across the semester.


      Market analysis from the perspective of digital change

      E-Marketing strategy, disciplines for digital marketing change, respectively the implementation of cross channel strategies, business modeling with a focus on value creation and communication

      Sustainable Marketing

      E-marketing conceptualization and implementation

      Developing a business model or offering

      AI-powered commerce, e.g. chatbot

      Customer centered design

      Performance marketing

      Selling technology

Applied methods in Economics and Business administration

r  Analysis models and methods (research and analysis models): 

        Analysis of value creation

        Digital impact analysis

        Technology acceptance model (TAM, UTAUT 2 etc.)

        Customer journey analysis and attribution models

        Design thinking


r  Quantitative empirical methods (comparative – statistical, mathematical methods, data analysis): 

        Data analysis regarding the effectiveness of marketing measures (e.g. return of marketing investment, cost revenue ratio, conversion rate, cost per acquisition, branding effects)

        Analysis of user behavior  

        On-/offline marketing mix optimization

r  Qualitative and interpretative methods (expert interviews, polls, standardised surveys): 

        Interpretation of market data and the impact of digital change

        Customer requirements analysis (e.g. focus groups)

        Expert interviews

        Business modeling


Teaching and Learning Styles

        Project work

        Case studies




        Kotler, P. et al (2016), Marketing Management, Pearson.

        Kotler, P. et al (2021), Marketing 5.0 Technology for Humanity

        Chaffey, D., Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, Pearson Education

        Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. G., (2021 ff.), E-Commerce, Business. Technology. Society. New Jersey: Pearson

Additional books and current articles from (reviewed) journals in the seminar.

English Version

Name Digital Commerce & Technology Marketing
Katalog-Nummer FK 10#MKT#M4.5
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum
Master Betriebswirtschaft | M4.5 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Gutknecht, Klaus (Prof. Dr.)
Anderl, Eva (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en)
| 4 SWS | S - wird nicht angeboten
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele

Intended Learning Outcomes (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude) and competencies

The students will be enabled to apply several methods in the field of digital commerce, especially for markets which are challenged by digital transformation. On the basis of the analysis of markets, consumers, products and services they are able to apply innovative marketing strategies. The students learn to analyze customer requirements systematically and to specify customer oriented shops, products, applications or frontends. 

They regard marketing and technology to serve humanity, thereby they consider sustainability as an imperative (marketing 5.0).


The students learn to apply (agile) project management to solve a challenging digital marketing problem. The students get an integrated understanding of marketing and technology. They develop an offering or business model stepwise, meeting milestones across the semester.


      Market analysis from the perspective of digital change

      E-Marketing strategy, disciplines for digital marketing change, respectively the implementation of cross channel strategies, business modeling with a focus on value creation and communication

      Sustainable Marketing

      E-marketing conceptualization and implementation

      Developing a business model or offering

      AI-powered commerce, e.g. chatbot

      Customer centered design

      Performance marketing

      Selling technology

Applied methods in Economics and Business administration

r  Analysis models and methods (research and analysis models): 

        Analysis of value creation

        Digital impact analysis

        Technology acceptance model (TAM, UTAUT 2 etc.)

        Customer journey analysis and attribution models

        Design thinking


r  Quantitative empirical methods (comparative – statistical, mathematical methods, data analysis): 

        Data analysis regarding the effectiveness of marketing measures (e.g. return of marketing investment, cost revenue ratio, conversion rate, cost per acquisition, branding effects)

        Analysis of user behavior  

        On-/offline marketing mix optimization

r  Qualitative and interpretative methods (expert interviews, polls, standardised surveys): 

        Interpretation of market data and the impact of digital change

        Customer requirements analysis (e.g. focus groups)

        Expert interviews

        Business modeling


Teaching and Learning Styles

        Project work

        Case studies




        Kotler, P. et al (2016), Marketing Management, Pearson.

        Kotler, P. et al (2021), Marketing 5.0 Technology for Humanity

        Chaffey, D., Digital Business and E-Commerce Management, Pearson Education

        Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. G., (2021 ff.), E-Commerce, Business. Technology. Society. New Jersey: Pearson

Additional books and current articles from (reviewed) journals in the seminar.