Stand: SoSe 2025
Name | Research Methods: Digital Products, Processes and Systems | |
Katalog-Nummer | FK 10#PPM#M4.1 | |
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum |
Master Betriebswirtschaft | M4.1 | 5 Leistungspunkte
Modulverantwortung |
Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
Lehrende | ||
Prüfung(en) |
Prüfungsform: ModA 80 % und Präs 20 %.
Brehm, Lars (Prof. Dr.)
, Anderl, Eva (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernform(en) |
| 4 SWS | S - wird nicht angeboten
Arbeitsaufwand |
Präsenzzeit: 0 Stunden
Selbststudium, Vor- und Nachbereitung, Prüfungsvorbereitung: 0 Stunden
Inhalt / Lernziele |
Intended Learning Outcomes (Skills, Knowledge, Attitude) After finishing this module, the students are enabled (1) to understand the fundamental principles and architectures of the new digital technologies and to apply them in the business context to several areas of the business-technology-stack, (2) to analyze the relevance and impact of digital innovation and transformation on distinct business issues in areas like new product development, process management or system architecture and (3) to analyze and to evaluate proposed solutions to digital innovation topics in international business context and present their results professionally. The students work in small groups to develop and to present solution proposals to assigned topics in the context of the course. This module helps the students to understand the dependencies between new digital technologies and their application in the business world. Contents