Learning objectives / skills:
After attending this course, students will be able to define the subject of work and organizational psychology (W&O psychology), name similarities and differences to other areas of psychology and at the same time explain current topics that arise from social, economic and technological changes for W&O psychology.
They will be able to reproduce the most important theories and central findings of work and organizational psychology, know the basics of the associated methodology and be familiar with the most important psychological aspects of the human design of work systems. After completing the module, students will be able to analyze and evaluate the specific forms of work and requirements of jobs in socio-technical systems with regard to the safe and reliable operation of these systems. In addition, they will be able to use their knowledge of organizational diagnostics to make well-founded suggestions for changing the design of such systems.
With the help of the acquired knowledge about organizations, the behavior and leadership of people in organizations as well as practices such as personnel selection and personnel development, students can analyze and solve concrete practical problems in the company. With the professional and methodological skills acquired in this way, they are prepared to work with and in organizations and to take on management tasks involving personnel management.
- Fundamentals & methods of A&O psychology
- Interaction & communication
- Conflicts in companies
- Groups and teams
- Effects of work on people
Teaching and learning methods:
- Seminar-based teaching, practical lectures
- Case studies, role plays, videos, podcasts
- Plenary discussions
- Student group work with short presentations on selected instruments
Nerdinger, F. W., Blickle, G., Schaper, N., & Schaper, N. (2019). Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie (9. Auflage). Heidelberg: Springer.
Truxillo, D. M., Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2016). Psychology and work: Perspectives on industrial and organizational psychology. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.