de Managing Innovation

en Managing Innovation

Angaben gemäß SPO
Zugehörigkeit zu Curriculum
Hammer, Dominik (Prof. Dr.)
Peisl, Thomas (Prof. Dr.)
Lehr- und Lernformen
SU | 4 SWS
Lehrangebote WiSe 2024
SU | 4 SWS
wird nicht angeboten
Prüfungsangebote WiSe 2024
Peisl, Thomas (Prof. Dr.)
Wach, Bernhard (Prof. Dr.)
Details zur Prüfung
IM.3 Managing Innovation - Assignment 1) Prepare your presentation. 15 min per team plus 5 min discussion. Content: business model description of your ideas created @ Hyve with focus on a. Value proposition for your target group(s) b. Design of your value chain c. How you make money with your idea (what do customers pay for) d. If applicable: social impact – how does your idea contribute to social welfare? 2) Submit a written report, max 1500 words/team member (excluding graphs and figures in the text). The due date is posted on Moodle – submission via email attachment including your presentation charts in one pdf-document to Prof Peisl. In addition to the topics mentioned in your presentations, you should include: a. Reflection on leadership: how did you apply leadership principles in your group work? b. Where does your idea fit into the innovation landscape (Pisano) or the innovation space (Tidd/ Bessant)? c. What could be implementation challenges? (success factors and barriers) 3) Upload your results to the HYVE Crowd platform and participate in the crowdsourcing contest (voluntary) For regulatory reasons: please indicate in your agenda who has written which part of your paper. Use adequate academic referencing. Use graphs and figures to support your findings. You may also add photos taken from your interviews conducted or prototypes tested.
Academic standards and ethical guidelines apply.
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verabschiedet am 31.10.2024
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